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Our unpaid British correspondent, Martin Hugh-Jones, of Baton Rouge, says our climate (and the way it's dealt with) differs from that of his home isle.

Dear Smiley: I have a possible answer for Morgan Landry, who asked in Tuesday's column why his grandfather was in the outhouse he was using for target practice, when "You have a toilet in your…

Our stories of strong women remind me of an alligator cooking contest in Franklin that I judged in the early days of this column.

"The recent article about mice reminded me of an incident when I was a student worker in the old LSUNO library in the early 1960s," says Collin B. Hamer Jr.

Our overseas football correspondent, Bill Huey, of Baton Rouge, says Advocate sports writer Scott Rabalais "reports that Coach Brian Kelly is working on LSU playing a football game in Ireland,…

"I have a dear friend who grew up in a foreign country and sometimes struggles with English," says Catherine Altazan, of Port Allen.

Peggy Villemarette says, "My daughter, Megan Roark, an elementary school administrator, welcomed her three daughters home from school — first grader Charlotte and kindergarten twins Katherine …

Dear Smiley: I recently stopped at Walgreens to pick up a prescription. I eased my car into a tight spot and, with difficulty, extricated myself from the vehicle.

"I enjoy your articles about accents and speaking 'Southern,'" says Tim Smith, of Denham Springs, “so I must tell you one more. Many years ago, my wife and I hosted a foreign exchange student …

"Spending my teenage years living in 'downtown Zachary,'" says Charlie Stroud, "I had to venture to the outskirts of town to get to the fishing holes.