Dear Smiley: One to add to your list of malapropisms and spoonerisms:

The story goes that my sister was having Thanksgiving dinner at a friend's house when a nervous young man at the table requested someone pass the "sitpatweetas."

That's what we've called yams ever since.

And apparently, English speakers didn't invent the word you use when the right one is on the tip of your tongue. Or not.

An unverified internet list of the word "thingamajig" in different languages: Turkish, "zamazingo;" Mexican-Spanish, "chingadera;" Bengali, "habbijabbi;" Danish, "dittelidut;" Arabic, "shismoo;" Japanese, "naninani;" German, "dingsbums;" and Dutch, "huppeldepup."

I added "whatsit," "thingy," "whatchamacallit," "thingamabob" and "doohickie."

Your readers may have others.


Kansas City, Missouri

Seeing red

Dear Smiley: My youngest daughter, when she was a lot younger (she's now 29), enjoyed that south Louisiana Monday dinner "red rice and beans."

As a family, we still use that term.


Jacksonville Beach, Florida

Tourism slogan?

Dear Smiley: About misheard song lyrics: 

In high school, like my friends, I loved to sing along with songs.

The one they still tease me about is "Arizona." I would sing "Air is so fine.” That’s what I heard!



Fear the Okra!

Dear Smiley: We enjoyed a delightful trip to the Mississippi Delta last month, including a stay in Cleveland, Mississippi, home of the Delta State Fighting Okra, the "Most Violent Vegetable."

Nice school, friendly people, and the grandkids loved their T-shirts! Even got a picture with the Okra's mascot at the Grammy Museum!



Dear Bob: I love the "Most Violent Vegetable" slogan. But I always thought it was beans.

Oh, THAT Michael!

Dear Smiley: My best friend from college (50 years later and I talk to him on a daily basis) is a frantic golfer with a 2 handicap. I have heard way too much golf over the years.

Several years ago, he called from a high-end golf course near Chicago.

He had just played and was excited because, via several coincidences, he had ended up leaving the 19th hole and instructing Michael Jordan in the practice sand trap.

After several minutes of his excited monologue, I asked “What was his latest hit? 'Thriller?'"

You could hear the air leave his balloon.



Quite a gift!

Dear Smiley: In the final episode of PBS' "Doc Martin" series, set at Christmas, one character says "The Twelve Days of Christmas" is her favorite song.

She sings along at the town Christmas celebration. When she gets to the third day of Christmas, she says "Three French men" instead of "Three French hens."


Baton Rouge

Happy 17th!

Dear Smiley: Warren Perrin's Thursday story on the use of "higher math" when answering the question about his age reminded me about my response when I'm asked the same question.

I simply explain I stopped having birthdays when I turned 60 and started having anniversaries.

On May 24, I will be celebrating the 17th anniversary of my 60th birthday.


Mayflower, Arkansas

(Monroe native)

Teen at heart

Dear Smiley: The submissions about age remind me of something I say when asked my age. I politely tell the person I'm 18 years old, with 53 years of experience.

It makes them stop to think about it.



Verse gets worse

Dear Smiley: I was trying not to do this, but I was overcome:

"Quite a man is Smiley A.,

with words his game is to play.

His readers send in points to pen,

And for this he draws his pay."



Dear Alan: You should have tried harder to resist the urge. 

Write Smiley at He can also be reached by mail at P.O. Box 2304, Baton Rouge, LA 70821.