Time capsules containing letters, photos, T-shirts, video recordings and other items commemo… READ FULL STORYLafayette Parish history, culture to be encapsulated in 100-, 50-year time capsules
Some of the best thinkers, doers and catalysts for solutions to the world’s biggest problems… READ FULL STORYCatalyst for excellence, doorway for doers, UL beckons new talent to Lafayette
I believe intelligence is comprised of a multitude of skill sets. This can be anything from … READ FULL STORYSLCC: Region develop training efforts, polishes workers; lures new employees here
The people of Lafayette are an ever-evolving diversity of religious traditions. We are Jewis… READ FULL STORYA spiritual gumbo: What Lafayette is, where hearts may lead; the future of our faith
Whether you are a parent, educator, babysitter or are around kids of any age, you can all pl… READ FULL STORYChoose a role: Encourage kids to be critical thinkers; shed old models for teaching