Bumpy Ride!
We received 828 entries in this week’s Cartoon Caption Contest and you folks didn’t hit a single punchline pothole with these creative offerings. Around here, this is a topic we all know WAAAY too much about and it felt great to laugh about it. Check out our winner and finalists below!
As always, when we have duplicate entries, and we always do, we pick the earliest sent in.
Here are this week’s winner and finalists.
Jean O. Turner, Metairie: (Punchline lettered into word balloon)
Joseph V. Rodrigue, Jr., River Ridge: “Only seven more blocks before we get to the worst part.”
Timothy Crowley, Kenner: “Thanks for playing ‘Puddle or Pothole’ where the points don’t matter and no one wins!”
Andree Herrington, Metairie: “How’s that, Dad? Can I get my license now?”
Rory Steen, Denver, CO: “At this point, the cones are just here for moral support.”
Adam Swensek, New Orleans: “Good thing we bought a Dodge.”
Charles Salemi, Baton Rouge: “Just call me the pinball wizard if I make it through.”
Sissy Hampton Wehr, Denham Springs: “You know you’re in Louisiana the minute you cross the state line.”
Martha Starnes, Kenner: “At this rate, my car’s going to need a chiropractor!”
Bruce Tamplain, LaPlace: “ ‘Full Contact Driving’ Helmets and Shoulder pads required beyond this point.”
Clay Trachtman, Baton Rouge: “Those new bridge lights make it so much easier to see the potholes!”
Hazel Welty (Age 9), New Orleans: “I didn’t know the moon had traffic cones!”
Peter Kovacs, Newport, RI: “My cellphone’s overheating from all the Waze alerts.”
Andrew J. Cohoon, Metairie: “I really don’t know why City Hall thinks they need speed cameras!”
Curt Beckemeyer, Diamondhead, MS: “You’re doing great, keep following Alvin Kamara.”
Andrew O’Brien, New Orleans: “Everywhere I go, cones of uncertainty!”
Bob Ussery, New Orleans: “I could have sworn I saw the top of a car in that last one.”
Karen Poirrier, Lutcher: “Back up! I forgot my purse at home!!”
Claude A. Schlesinger, Metairie: “Don’t worry dear, I’ve got the route memorized.”
Jerry Fruge, Tampa, FL: “Caution Boudreax we’re on WHACK-A-MOLE Avenue.”
Mariano Hinojosa, Baton Rouge: “Next time let’s have DoorDash deliver our dinner.”
Lesley Boone, Metairie: “Watch out! There’s a piece of road in the pothole.”
John Loggins, Metairie: “Wouldn’t it be cheaper to just let everything become one big pothole?”
Alan Seicshnaydre, Metairie:“$#*%:! I forgot to put my motion sickness patch on this morning.”
Craig Winchell, Baton Rouge: “GPS says to take a right at the next pothole.”
Marcia Koch Garcia, Gretna: “I bet the city pays more for traffic cones than pothole repairs.”
David Delgado, New Orleans: “It’s at times like this that I’m so proud of my license plate!”
Bill Magill, Baton Rouge: “There’s still some road left in these potholes.”
Charles Theaux, Ponchatoula: “I feel like Billy from The Family Circus.”
Aimée Bell, Covington: “Wow, that just dislodged my kidney stone!”
Sam Johnson, Zachary: “Think of all the money this town saves on speed bumps!!”
These were great!
Best – Walt