Nelson to speak to August GOP Roundtable
Richard Nelson, secretary of the Louisiana Department of Revenue, will be the featured speaker at the Aug. 15 Ascension GOP Roundtable, sponsored by Ascension Republican Women. The doors open at 11:15 a.m., and a meet and greet is set for 11:30 a.m. to noon, with the meeting starting at noon.
Secretary Nelson has degrees in biological engineering and law from LSU. He served for seven years in the Foreign Service of the U.S. Department of State, living in Washington, D.C., Germany, and the former Soviet Republic of Georgia. In 2017, he left the Foreign Service to take an executive position in the private sector and moved his family back home to Mandeville. Nelson was elected to the Louisiana House of Representatives in 2019.
Cost for the lunch is $30, collected at the door. To prepay, visit Reservations are requested. A $5 room fee will be collected for those not dining. RSVP at (225) 921-5187 or email:
Ducks Unlimited banquet tickets on sale
Tickets are on sale for the Sept. 5 Duck Unlimited — East Ascension Chapter's banquet.
The evening includes dinner, entertainment and raffles. For tickets, visit
Found a stray? Here's how you can help
Cara's House animal shelter is offering a new program to help reduce its shelter population and provide care for lost or abandoned animals.
The Found a Stray program encourages people who find a lost pet to call the shelter and post the animal. For information, call Cara's House at (225) 675-0400. Cara's House provides for all the animal's needs while it's under foster care.
Looking for a kayak rental site?
Kayaks can be rented at the city's kayak launch site behind Jambalaya Park along Bayou Francois. Kayaks are $5 per hour. For more information, call (225) 647-2841
Mark you calendar
Sept. 26: Volunteer Ascension's Unveiling Hope fundraiser, The PACE Center, Gonzales.
Oct. 18-20: Sorrento Lions Club's Boucherie and Balloon Festival on Airline Highway in Sorrento.